Non-tArgeted foRensic multidisCiplinary platfOrm for inveStigation of drug-related fatalitieS
the phases


Collaborations with other EU-funded projects


Detection Hub

The Detection Hub is a collaborative dissemination and communication initiative of multiple EU funded projects under the main thematic category of detection of drugs, explosives, and illicit goods. EU funded projects that comprise the Detection Hub are namely DRUG DETECT, BAG-INTEL, PARSEC, ODYSSEUS, I-FLOWS, UNDERSEC, EURMARS, MELCHIOR, COSMOPORT, SAUST, METEOR, RISEN and NARCOSIS.

Detection Hub


The Detection Hub is a collaborative dissemination and communication initiative of multiple EU funded projects under the main thematic category of detection of drugs, explosives, and illicit goods. EU funded projects that comprise the Detection Hub are namely DRUG DETECT, BAG-INTEL, PARSEC, ODYSSEUS, I-FLOWS, UNDERSEC, EURMARS, MELCHIOR, COSMOPORT, SAUST, METEOR, RISEN and NARCOSIS.


Detection Hub

The Detection Hub is a collaborative dissemination and communication initiative of multiple EU funded projects under the main thematic category of detection of drugs, explosives, and illicit goods. EU funded projects that comprise the Detection Hub are namely DRUG DETECT, BAG-INTEL, PARSEC, ODYSSEUS, I-FLOWS, UNDERSEC, EURMARS, MELCHIOR, COSMOPORT, SAUST, METEOR, RISEN and NARCOSIS.


Detection Hub

The Detection Hub is a collaborative dissemination and communication initiative of multiple EU funded projects under the main thematic category of detection of drugs, explosives, and illicit goods. EU funded projects that comprise the Detection Hub are namely DRUG DETECT, BAG-INTEL, PARSEC, ODYSSEUS, I-FLOWS, UNDERSEC, EURMARS, MELCHIOR, COSMOPORT, SAUST, METEOR, RISEN and NARCOSIS.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Civil Security for Society) under grant agreement No 101168195.

For administrative and contractual information visit the European Commission's Cordis website.
