Expected Impacts
- European PAs, FIs and other relevant security practitioners are equipped by modern means of chemical analysis (composition) of drugs aimed at facilitating the cross-matching of seized drugs to labs and the establishment of links between cases, including by developing protocols to quickly exchange information on new substances.
- Improved and uniform EU-wide approach for the collection of evidence regarding illicit drug-related overdoses that would allow for choosing adequate responses in countering drug-related problems.
- Improved collection and availability of forensic evidence that could be used in court by the authorities, as well as reinforced prevention of such cases thanks to sensors/kits that are reliable, lawful, fast and easy-to-use.
- Enhanced perception of citizens in public and private spaces that Europe is an area of freedom, justice and security.
- Tackle forensic challenges related to illicit drugs-related overdoses.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Civil Security for Society) under grant agreement No 101168195.
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