Non-tArgeted foRensic multidisCiplinary platfOrm for inveStigation of drug-related fatalitieS
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The University of Rome Tor Vergata

The University of Rome Tor Vergata (UNITOV) is one of three public universities in Rome, with the statutory mission of Higher education, Research and Third Mission activities.

UNITOV’s six schools - Economics, Law, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Medicine and Natural Sciences – offer 107 degree courses, 160 Post Graduate and Master Courses, including the I and II level international Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe events (winner of the OPCW The Hague Award in 2017), and 31 Ph.D. programs. The university hospital, Policlinico Universitario Tor Vergata, is an important research and healthcare center of a young university with an international profile and modern facilities. UNITOV is also a Cepol Framework Partner Tor Vergata University takes part in international research projects and promotes multi-disciplinary research.

It continuously establishes close links with Italian public and private companies and supports the creation of Startup to connect research and work.

Through its International Division, University intends to be a focal point for European and non-European cross-cultural integration and evolutionary processes. In this framework, it promotes and runs bilateral and multilateral research-teaching cooperation programs. UNITOV aims to become part of the most distinguished worldwide network of institutions producing and spreading knowledge and research, basing on its high academic and scientific standards achieved thanks to the internationalization process, which will continue through teacher and student exchange programs, the organization of workshops, conferences, summer schools, and joint research activities. The Department of Industrial Engineering is highly involved in national and international research projects. It received funds for research activities from: 7th, 8th, and 9th programmes framework; PON (Operative National Programme); National Funding Programs and collaboration with private companies; it also has official cooperation agreements with NATO, OPCW and EUROFUSION, in the framework of safety and security, JET fusion reactor in Culham (UK) operation in particular for data analysis and laser plasma diagnostics as Polarimeter measurements analysis. In fact research activities on Nuclear Fusion involves analysis and interpretation of the Polarimeter signal at JET and application on data mining methodologies in order to analyses database and determination scaling laws. It is part of FUSENET - The European Fusion Education Network.  The group includes Professors, Researchers, Engineers and Physicists with expertise in diagnostic, laser applications, materials, security applications and numerical simulations, making this department a suitable host institution.

The following engineering and physics fields are covered:

  • Optics in UV, VIS, and IR (1m to 10m)
  • Laser design, manufacturing and integration (CO2, Nd Yag/GLASS, diode laser, TiSa femtosecond laser)
  • Polarimetry
  • Spectroscopy
  • Remote Sensing
  • Optical numerical simulations
  • Data analysis

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Civil Security for Society) under grant agreement No 101168195.

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