Non-tArgeted foRensic multidisCiplinary platfOrm for inveStigation of drug-related fatalitieS
the phases

German Standardisation Institute

Description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal:

DIN e.V. (Deutsches Institut für Normung) is Germany's national standards body, responsible for developing and promoting standards that enhance quality, safety, and interoperability. As a non-profit organization, it collaborates with government, industry, and international organizations, representing Germany in global standardization bodies like ISO and IEC. Its tasks include creating standards, supporting innovation by applying research, and providing certification services. DIN also prioritizes consumer safety, environmental protection, and helping SMEs with compliance and quality assurance, contributing to technological progress and economic competitiveness.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Civil Security for Society) under grant agreement No 101168195.

For administrative and contractual information visit the European Commission's Cordis website.
